Our Values

Slow Tourism
Dolce VITA
This vision has allowed us to gradually join a “Slow Tourism” approach, a trend stemming from “Slow Food” which rejects mass consumption and places the human being at the center of its concerns.
Our family hotel, which chooses to defend values of authenticity, well-being, respect for our employees as well as for natural resources, quality and local culture, takes the challenge of offering our guests a very different tourism experience.
You deserve it: enjoy!
Staying in a hotel 30 minutes from home: a new experience to spice up life, take care of yourself and rediscover your city without the hectic pace.
A surprising and economic escapade, ideal during the main news of the moment…
A change of scenery, attentive staff, a good breakfast and a whole program of pleasures to break the routine without ruining yourself: the hotel has exceptional offers throughout the year for vacation periods and weekends.
Toulouse, the4th largest city in France, offers a thousand opportunities for entertainment with a wealth of news throughout the year of festivals, concerts, major cultural or sporting events, original activities, open-air shows…