The Family Breakfast

Family is something very important for the Hotel Albert 1st. Sharing good things with our friends and family is one of the values anchored in the history of our hotel and one that we wish to perpetuate over time. We want to take every opportunity to thank the people who made it possible for us to become who we are today. So we decided to continue to honor family celebrations, granny’s day, daddy’s day, daddy’s day and mommy’s day.

We all started our days by sharing breakfasts with our grandparents and parents, so we invite you to share yet another one, at home, with your loved ones. Breakfast is something we take very seriously, you may not find the specialties of grandmothers but we are sure to offer quality products with a taste of tradition and home-made. It’s an all-you-can-eat treat, from 7am to 10:30am, for 13€ and it’s free for the family member to celebrate!